DafQuiz – Chagigah Daf 20

Get a quick, fantastic review of the Chagigah Daf 20! In just 10 questions, you can review the entire daf!

Chagigah Daf 20

As a daf yomi learner…

you surely wonder how can you possibly retain so much information when you go through it so quickly? DafQuiz is a tool that tremendously helps to increase retention. Each day, you can take a quiz on the entire daf in just ten questions! You get to see your score and all the correct answers right after taking the quiz. Even if you forget to look at the score and the correct answers, it’ll be emailed to you.

And, don’t forget – even if you score only a 20%, that means that you’ve retained twenty percent of entire daf Gemara. Twenty percent of entire daf Gemara! That’s huge!! This is limud ha’Torah. There’s no such thing as a failing grade. When we were in school, less than a 60 was a failing grade. Perhaps in the school system that is a justified cutoff mark. Perhaps not. But in limud ha’Torah, Hashem doesn’t say, “Oh, you got less than a 60? You failed.” No way! No such thing! Every bit of Torah that we learn is a huge mitzvah, and every bit of Torah that we manage to retain increases that mitzvah exponentially!

And, anyways, besides checking to see how much you’ve retained, the main thing of the DafQuiz is that it gives you quick, efficient opportunity to review the entire daf Gemara in a thorough, clear manner.


Find the DafQuiz of that day’s daf yomi by going to dafquiz.com or https://inspiredtorah.com/dafquiztodaysdaf/

Using the link for previous quizzes, you never have to worry about missing a DafQuiz. You can easily make it up!

If you are interested in dedicating a DafQuiz, email yehoshuaberman@inspiredtorah.com.

For more great content check out https://inspiredtorah.com.


Books by Rabbi Yehoshua Berman Available for Purchase

A Malach in Our Midst, the life story of HaGaon HaKadosh Rav Moshe Twersky Hy”d

Reflections on the Parsha (digital download)

Pictorial Parsha on Sefer Breishis (hard copy)

Pictorial Parsha on Sefer Breishis (Kindle ebook)