CO2. As a species, we humans seem to love filling our world with it. Which may bring into question our collective sanity seeing that it can displace O2 and leave us with nothing viable to breathe. Not to mention global warming regarding which we are endlessly told that CO2 is the chief culprit. The good news is that there are a lot of groups working on trying to fix up the situation. A bright light, if you will, on the dark horizon of human earth (mis)usage. One of the perhaps brighter lights amongst this group seems to be a company called CarbFix. Researchers from Columbia University teamed up with Iceland’s Reykjavic Energy to implement the ambitious project of C.C.S. (carbon capture and sequestration). It’s an idea scientists have been talking about for years, and already in 2014 there was a Canadian utility doing it on a commercial scale. However, success has been kind of spotty and the issue of monitoring is a big challenge.

The innovation of CarbFix is to pump the CO2 – mixed with water – right into a porous rock that will chemically react with the CO2 and calcify, thus effectively locking the CO2 in for good. Why Iceland? Its landmass is practically 100% basalt – volcanic rock rich in calcium, magnesium, and iron. In less than two years scientists were able to document – through radioactive isotopic tracing – that roughly 95% of the CO2 was found converted into calcite. This rapid rate and high percentage of C02 recapture into the earth significantly exceeded expectations.

Will CarbFix prove cost-effective enough to keep clean-energy movements at bay and big fossil-fuel companies raking in their gargantuan profits? Maybe, maybe not. After all, worldwide yearly C02 emissions stands at roughly 40 billion (!) metric tons, and CarbFix has only managed to recapture 90,000 metric tons over a period of 8-plus years, so this idea is in some need of serious scaling-up to start really making a dent. But at least human intelligence and industrialism is being employed at solving serious problems it caused.

After all, cleaning up after oneself is only good manners, isn’t it? And with a yearly global tally of 40 billion tons (!) of CO2 emissions, that’s one awfully big mess to clean up. Parenthetically, the worst CO2-emissions offenders are China, the USA, and India (29%, 14%, and 7% respectively). So it seems only fair that the researchers trailblazing the path of efficient carbon capture and sequestration – or, the “come on guys, let’s clean up our mess” movement – should come from at least one of those countries.

Now, it’s not so surprising that humanity is taking such a long time to realize that it really does need to clean up after itself. It’s much more exciting to do things that are creative and produce positive, tangible results. Lots of people enjoy planning and setting up a party, but go try finding people to help clean up after the merry making is over. Usually it’s not more than one or two “tzaddikim”. If the cleaning process would entail dropping all the refuse on the floor, though, and watching it chemically morph into a bonafide part and parcel thereof, many more would volunteer. It would turn a dreary chore into an exciting, reinvigorating experience! So maybe CarbFix is really on to something. At the very least, this “come-on-let’s-clean-up-our-mess” undertaking of carbon recapture can impart a rejuvenating ray of hope that humanity is not hopelessly locked into a trajectory of self-destruction.

Interestingly enough, there is a Gemara that could have been CarbFix’s inspiration. In parshas Tzav we read about the daily mitzvah to take some of the ash left over from burning the korbanos and place it on the floor next to the mizbeiach. The Gemara in Yoma 21a says that the ash would simply disappear into the floor. Nivlain bimkoman. The floor would simply swallow them up and absorb them.

Of course, this was one of the ten daily miracles experienced in the Beis Ha’Mikdash. And the reason for this particular miracle? Rashi explains: So that the Beis Ha’Mikdash should not become littered with piles of refuse.

Now, interestingly enough, the Nefesh Ha’Chaim highlights two fascinating insights about the Beis Ha’Mikdash: 1) It was a microcosm of creation. 2) The Heavenly Beis Ha’Mikdash is, in essence, the Jewish Nation. Every Jewish heart, emphasizes the Nefesh Ha’Chaim, is the Kodesh Ha’Kadashim. The even shesiyah of creation.

Following this train of thought, perhaps we can suggest that Yom Kippur – the day whose very essence atones – is akin to the miracle of nivlain bimkoman for the Mikdash of our hearts. Once a year, we experience this miracle. All of the sinful refuse simply vanishes. By rights, says the Ramchal in Mesilas Yesharim, the teshuva that we do really cannot accomplish this incredible feat. After all, what was done was done, right? It is only because Hashem employs tremendous rachamim that our teshuvah can erase the past.

Taking this idea one step further, what almost immediately follows Yom Kippur? Sukkos, of course! And what is Sukkos? Zman simchaseinu, the time of our rejoicing. A large part of the unmatchable joy of Sukkos is this state of spiritual cleanliness. With all the heavy refuse removed, we have nothing but endless potential and exuberant buoyancy.

It’s not meant to be an ephemeral experience, though. It’s more like a battery-charge that lasts for twelve months. Throughout the year, one can tap into that revitalizing power. So, if from time to time you’re feeling a bit down, close your eyes and hum some Yom Kippur and Sukkos tunes and recapture the experience. Tap into a bit of your own rejuvenating “carbon-recapture”.