Reflections on the Parsha (Hardcover)



Reflections on the Parsha delves into concepts, issues, and challenges that are part and parcel of Jewish life. It offers profound analysis, coupled with an ease and simplicity of style, allowing for an enlightened and enjoyable read. In his warm and unique way, Rabbi Yehoshua Berman utilizes the robust expressiveness of the English language, while not abandoning terminology that is part of the built-in vernacular of the Olam HaTorah.

With extended explanation in the footnotes, Reflections certainly allows the reader to reflect on life, while also serving as a foundation and springboard for significant iyun in a wide range of sugyos.

“I recommend this work to all those sho wnt to enhance their understanding of the Torah portions, and cull the very pertinent messages they contain, to guide one’s journey through this world as a Torah Jew.”    ~Rav Zev Leff

“Many of the concepts are based on the words of Rav Yaakov Weinberg zt”l who certainly is not in any need of a haskama… Even the ideas that the author derived on his own are exceptional in their yashrus and are of practical significance to the reader.”    ~Rav Aharon Lopiansky

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