Most Recent DafQuiz – Yevamos Daf 9

Review the daf yomi quickly and comprehensively in just 10 questions!

Daf Yomi

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Daf Yomi is an absolutely fantastic limud.

Daf Yomi is constantly bringing to the world of Torah learning a benefit that is simply incomparable and description defying. The internal structure of do-the-daf-every-single-day-of-the-year keeps you going. Being part of a worldwide chaburah that is all doing the same thing provides an awesome and ongoing impetus to keep up with it. Even if you fall of the tracks, you know there is always that worldwide chaburah that you can always join back up with them.

Of course, as every daf yomi learner can attest to, the challenge that daf yomi presents is retention.

Every daf yomi learner wonders from time to time, “How much of this I am actually retaining?” Indeed, how will you possibly retain so much information while going through so much material so quickly? The truth is that the real answer to this question is, as it says in Avos 2:16, “The work is not incumbent upon you to complete it, but you are not free to just leave it”. In other words, the job that Hashem has given us in this world is to try to do our best.

And doing the Daf Yomi is certainly one of the best efforts that a Yid can make to keep up a solid connection with serious Torah learning. So, perhaps you won’t remember the overwhelming majority of it. Ok, but you are giving it your determined, genuine effort! Furthermore, the Chafetz Chaim says that if a person at least saw the whole Torah during his lifetime, even if he does not manage to fully understand it or retain it, Hashem will give him that retention and understanding in the World of Truth.

That all being said, still… Who doesn’t want to have improved retention of the Torah that he learns?

It is told about Rav Aharon Kotler that he once conducted a parlor meeting in the course of which he mentioned the Gemara that says that those who support Torah learning in this world will be elevated to the status of a talmid chacham in the next world. One of the wealthy philanthropists present was astounded by this assertion. “Is that,” the philanthropist exclaimed, “literally true? Do you mean to tell me that in the next world I am going to know Torah the way that the Rosh Yeshiva knows Torah because I am supporting your yeshiva?!”

Without so much as batting an eyelash, Rav Aharon immediately responded, “It must be literally true! After all, this world you don’t have! At the very least you should have the next world!!” Of course, whatever  a Yid does to increase the quality and quantity of his limud ha’Torah greatly amplifies and enhances his portion in the World to Come.

But, in addition to that, it’s like Rav Aharon Kotler said. We also want to have this world!

And the real, true enjoyment of this world is learning Torah. Understanding Torah. And knowing Torah. Retaining what you’ve learned. As the Gemara says, “When are the words of Torah a source of everlasting joy? When they are engraved on the heart!” So, yes, we all our simply trying to do our best, and Hashem does not demand more of us. But, still… Who doesn’t want more? Who doesn’t want to do what he can to retain and know the Torah that he’s learned…

That is where a tool like DafQuiz comes in.

With DafQuiz you tremendously help yourself to increase retention. DafQuiz is NOT a mere random sampling of questions on each day’s daf. It is specifically engineered to encompass the ENTIRE daf. Granted, even the DafQuiz will not always cover every single last detail of every daf. But a comprehensive, overall of the entire daf you are definitely getting with the DafQuiz. Each day, you can take a quiz on the entire daf in just ten questions! As an added perk, you get to see your score and all the correct answers right after taking the quiz. Even if you forget to look at the score and the correct answers, it’ll be emailed to you.

And, don’t forget – even if you score only a 20%, that means that you’ve retained twenty percent of entire daf Gemara.

Twenty percent of entire daf Gemara! That’s huge!! This is limud ha’Torah. There’s no such thing as a failing grade. When we were in school, less than a 60 was a failing grade. Perhaps in the school system that is a justified cutoff mark. Perhaps not. But in limud ha’Torah, Hashem doesn’t say, “Oh, you got less than a 60? You failed.” No way! No such thing! Every bit of Torah that we learn is a huge mitzvah, and every bit of Torah that we manage to retain increases that mitzvah exponentially!

And, anyways, besides checking to see how much you’ve retained, the main thing of the DafQuiz is that it gives you quick, efficient opportunity to review the entire daf Gemara in a thorough, clear manner.

Find the DafQuiz of that day’s daf yomi by going to or

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